

NLP Classes

NLP classes to give Real Estate agents a window into basic NLP techniques and language. Available live or take the class online here:

NLP Workshops

Live workshops for Real Estate Agents:

The Disney Dreamer workshop- 1/2 day

NLP Basics- Full Day

Please contact me for information at [email protected]

Real Estate Success Coaching

Through Your Coaching Matters, we provide a high level of success coaching around life AND business because business is never separate from life. There are several coaching packages available: Donna can also customize an NLP based coaching program specifically to your needs.



Next Steps…

What you can plan is too small for you to live.
What you can live wholeheartedly will make plans enough
for the vitality hidden in your sleep.

To be human is to become visible
while carrying what is hidden as a gift to others.
To remember the other world in this world
is to live in your true inheritance.-David Whyte

The key is to take one small step toward your inheritance. What are you interested in? Where do you have questions? [email protected]